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1864 - 1878 Rintoul Hut

That was a seriously amazing day. Currently I am at Rintoul Hut with a small herd of goats, but I started out at Slaty Hut at 7:00am walking along the ridge line on the Richmond Alpine crossing.

(I do believe I have broken my record for the most photos taken in one day as well.)

Why was today wonderful? Well, let me see...

  • The weather was great.
  • The views were magnificent.
  • I survived.

In order of appearance.

The weather today has been blue skies and no wind in the morning building to blue skies with some puffy clouds and gentle wind this afternoon.

In other words, perfect walking weather.

The views were of the Pelorus Valley when we started, with the Richmond Ranges on the other side of the ridge. But as we travelled we got views of the Wairoa Valley, Nelson Valley, the Red Hills, and always as a background the Southern Alps and whatever mountain range lies to the south-east of Blenheim.

As for survival that might be a bit of a heavy word. All I really had to deal with was one small traverse over a 100m drop, lots of broken rock ascents and descents, a lot bit of scree and that was it. More constantly nerve-racking than survival.  I'll try and find a good photo. :)


  • Hiking poles are recommended.
  • Look down at your feet and keep on walking and you will get to the top quicker.
  • I quite like those little black alpine butterfly's.
  • On the way down Rintoul (down the scree chute) Adele lost her footing and then her way when she missed the track. Be careful.

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