2003 - 2032 Anne Hut
Wasn't a great start to the day. I left the cap partially undone on my water bottle and woke up with a small lake under my food bag. Plus, the forecast rain was continuing. We fully expected to have to walk the next 29km in it on the way to Anne Hut.
As it turned out though, the rain stopped about and hour after we left and a rather spectacular, if windy, day followed.
Mainly it was a long walk down the Waiau. Mr Frodo counted 20 crossings but only a few of them were interesting. The rest were side rivers.
On the way we passed Ada Homestead which must be one of the better places in the country to live if you value your scenery and privacy.
There were expanses of flowers, snow capped mountains, braided riverbed, slopes of grey scree, young and old trees, and curiously African looking thorn bushes.
Added to that, swathes of grass would reflect the wind as it gusted by making the hills look a little like a cat being stroked.
It was great. It was also very tiring.
Anne Hut should also be named the windiest hut in New Zealand. It is also one of the nicer ones.
A highlight for me was when a guy in a swanni turned up leading a horse carrying a six year old girl. Every school holidays her father takes her through the Alps, showing her the trails, old and new.
- If you go to the toilet look around first. There was a family having a picnic on the other side of the river at one point.
- There is fencing and chicken wire up there that I haven't seen for 30 years. Imagine that, historic chicken mesh.
Anne Hut Map