2307 - 2315 Geraldine
Today was a short day. The wind didn't blow in the night which was a relief because it meant I had a fantastic sleep. It was probably 8:00am by the time I crawled out of my sleeping bag.
The great thing about today was that we got to go to Edoras from the Lord of the Rings. Otherwise known as Mt Sunday.
It was spectacular. You could look across the river plains and up into the mountains where thick snow glistened blue white. There were quite a few people there which was amazing because the movies were done so long ago (2003). One of the tours gives people fake weapons, very funny.
We were going to stay the night on the mountain but it became rather windy. Also we had to get around the Rangitata so we decided to hitch out to Geraldine. This proved to be comparatively simple. One car, 60m walking, Geraldine. Insanely lucky.
We also got some advice for getting to the trail head by calling Wayne who would take us up for $150 and then ran into some other T.A. people who would share so the whole ride only cost us $40 each.
Geraldine is nice. I would have liked to stay longer. Plus the backpackers has a guitar. Always a bonus. I sat outside and played it while drinking a glass of wine but for some reason wasn't very inspired.
- Mt Sunday is worth going to and due to tourism is easy to hitch from.
- Rawhiti Backpackers is good and has a piano and guitar.
- Wayne is from Alps2Ocean.
Geraldine Map