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2316 - 2333 Stone Hut

Left Geraldine fully powered by the influence of two pies and a coffee. Actually the pies weren't that good although the 'world famous' venison pie was slightly better than the steak and mushroom.

I should have got the 'world's largest burger' last night but I chickened out. Not even I can justify eating a 2kg pattie for $55 although there was a rumour this morning that if you eat it in under 1/2 an hour you get your money back. But I digress.

Wayne (our driver) is a great guy from Geraldine farming stock so I was forced to bring into play my vast farming knowledge gleaned from Johnny and Christina and various other conversations. Things like this.

"I've just got 20 Jersey bulls brought in"

"Core, they're vicious bastards aren't they?"

"Yeah. I have to keep them in a different field otherwise they rape the Angus bulls."

"Mind you, I hear they are worse if there is any blood around"

"Yeah. Bloody terrible then."

"Of course, birthing blood is OK"

"That's true. Hey, would you like to see some Tar?"

And so on. After about an hour we got to the trail head and started up Bush Stream, over Crooked Spur and carried on to Stone Hut. Hopefully the weather holds out as tomorrow we go over the highest point of the T.A. at Stag Saddle.


  • I am not a farmer.
  • If you get more people the ride to the trail head becomes cheaper.
  • The hut at Crooked Spur was quite nice.
  • I like the bridge just before Stone Hut.
  • Stone Hut has an outside bath.

Stone Hut

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