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2676 - 2681 Passburn Hut

(I am unsure how to add in my Routeburn side trip but since I am back on Te Araroa at the end of the day I have used the numbers for where I left it and finished the day on it.)

Can't really say I walked far today. Maybe about 18km down the Greenstone track to rejoin Te Araroa.

While the track wasn't as good as the Routeburn it was still pretty good. This appears to be a long valley that starts at Lake Wakatipu and streams all the way to the West Coast. Luckily the weather is good out there so it is blue cloudless skies all the way.

The highpoint of the day was running across a pair of naked tourists swimming and hey, if you can't be naked way the hell up a valley in NZ then what is the world coming to?

The low point is my energy. The heat of the day seemed to suck it from me making  even 18km a tiring event. Hopefully I pick up a bit tomorrow.

My campsite is a great one. Warm wind, high mountains, and most importantly not to many sandflies. I even had a wash in the river....perhaps inspired by earlier events?


  • I think ever since Twizel my energy had been dropping. I would have enjoyed driving around in a car as much as walking it.
  • The main river has cows in it and some sort of horrible slippery weed.

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