339 - 386 Peach Cove Camp
Some small amount of cheating may have occurred during this day....perhaps not cheating. That might be a bit to harsh, but a definite aversion to road walking took preeminence.
James dropped us off at the trail head which saved us 8kms of road walking but the trail was only 4.5kms long so after an hour or so we were looking at another 13kms of road walking so we hitched a ride to Pataua North and started from there.
This turned out to be a good decision as it lined us up with the tide for walking both the Taiharuru River estuary crossing and, after summiting Kauri Mountain, the walk down Ocean Beach to Bream Head.
Bream Head is very steep and has many steps. Right now I am 857 steps down from the main trail at Peach Cove Hut. We have disturbed a group of young people (2 male, 1 female), I patched one of them up (cut finger), and soon I will keep them awake by snoring loudly. Currently they are all sitting very quietly in the hut with the door closed.
Tomorrow we cross by boat to Marsden Point.
- Just before you get to the estuary there is an old house with a red and white flag flying. This is the United Tribes flag.
- Read the notes properly. We didn't and tried to cross the estuary at different points until we were shattered and climbed up on the wharf. Another walker came along, looked at his notes and walked straight across in the right place.
- There was supposed to be some super duper campground on Ocean Beach but we never found it.
- Ocean beach is another section to watch the tide on.
- Peach Cove is a nice hut and worth staying the night at but it has to be booked. You can just camp outside though.
Peach Cove Camp Map