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409 - 418 Waipu

Pretty much another Nero Day. Short walk from Ruakaka to Waipu, resupply, and rest. Going to see Ashley and Aubrey tomorrow and have another rest.

The bakery at Waipu is quite good and reasonably priced. Plus the Indian restaurant across the road is good. Although a bit pricey. It was the first time Ken had ever had Indian though so it was a nice introduction for him.

I have been dreaming of a steak slathered in baked beans and cheese. This came true today.

You might have noticed that almost this entire post is about food. Food is very important. I have to keep my strength up.

Rest and Recovery Meal

  • One large decent steak (plate sized)
  • Onion, sliced
  • Cup of cheese
  • One can of Watties Baked Beans
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Beer

Open beer. Cook steak to almost desired consistency adding onions near the end. Remove steak to rest on plate and overcook baked beans. Pour beans on steak and slather with cheese. Add pepper and salt(if wanted). Stand back and wait for cheese to melt a bit. Open another beer.


  • Waipu is a nice place.
  • We stayed at Waipu Wanderers - BBH. There are probably just as many BBHs on the trail as YHAs. It might be worth getting a card for the discounts.

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