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A problem of proportions

Tane Harre
Tane Harre Food

Last weekend a very skinny version of a friend of ours came to visit. Very skinny because she has lost 20kg over the past year. When I asked how she said that she had just cut her portion sizes which is the kind of simple realistic explanation that appeals to me so I have decided to cut my meal proportions.

It is something I need to do. Over recent years I have crept up to 98kg which is not a great idea when according to BMI I should be 75kg. It's not that I have absolute faith in BMI. I don't think I am a standard shape. But, it does show how far I have slipped. Personally I would be happy with 85kg and even that is a long way away.

I'll try and update this every day and the weight measurements will be from first thing in the morning. Might be time to give drinking a rest as well.

So, here we go...

Table of Contents

Day 1

I started off by cutting my breakfast size in half. Lunch was also cut in half. Dinner as well, not having seconds. In general, I have been grumpy and stressed. More so than usual.

Weight: 98kg

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Two inch long sandwich.

Dinner: Chicken, rice and salad.



Day 2

Bit stressed this morning. Maybe a little bit confused as well. By lunchtime I was ravenous and a couple of cups of tea into the afternoon kind of empty. But, I have not been sleepy which is something that generally happens to me after lunch.

Fine after dinner which was 1 plate again. All going well.

Weight: 97kg

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Two inch long sandwich.

Dinner: Pasta with tomato sauce.



Day 3

Hungry today but not as bad as yesterday. Still a bit dozy but that might just be me. Empty might be a better word.

Also, although it looks like I have lost a kilo and a half in three days that is probably just due to not putting so much in.

Weight: 96.4kg

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Fried rice.

Dinner: Half a sweetcorn, leftover pasta from last night and broccoli.


Day 4

Today was not to bad on the hunger but occasionally I forgot I was controlling my intake and went to grab something to eat. A lot of tea has been drunk.

Weight: 96.2kg

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Left over vegetables from last night.

Dinner: Pumpkin soup.

It was more appetizing than it looks.

Day 5

This has been a hard one. Breakfast was OK but by lunchtime I was ravenous. I had another bowl of pumpkin soup and then had a slice of terrine. Fell over a little at dinner by eating some pop corn and a hunk of blue cheese as well as my dinner. C'est la vie. 

Weight: 96.2kg

Breakfast: Yogurt and muesli.

Lunch: Pumpkin soup and slice of terrine.

Dinner: Three quarter pizza, popcorn and a chunk of blue cheese.

Day 6

Wow, the pizza, blue cheese and terrine certainly struck. :) Did pretty well through out the day but slipped a bit with dinner and ate a banana. Probably way to many brussel sprouts as well. Heavens and earth!

Weight: 96.4kg

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Three inch long sandwich.

Dinner: Devilled Sausages, taters and sprouts.

Day 7

Go brussel sprouts. I am not quite sure how I dropped 0.6 of a kg overnight. Water weight? It's a mysterious world.

Weight: 95.8kg

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Left over devilled sausages

Dinner: Sausages, salad and rice.

Day 8

Dammit, got horrendously drunk last night and went snacking.

Weight: No idea, I forgot to weigh myself.

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Two inch long sandwich.

Dinner: Choucroute Garnie

No photo sorry. Ate it all....

Day 9

And back on track... with burnt fingers. Toasters aren't really built for pieces of bread that small. Apart from that, today has been fine. I have got things done, drunk tea and survived. Maybe an apple and a banana disappeared along the way but that was conservation. Can't ask for more than that.

Weight: 95.5

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Ham sandwich

Dinner: Salad and sausages

Salad and sausage mix

Day 10

Bit of a heavy day on the food front with pasta for lunch and lentils for dinner but all is well.

Weight: 95.2

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Pasta carbonara

Dinner: Petit sale aux lentilles

Day 11

Mild increase in weight but that is kind of amazing after the pasta and lentil day yesterday. Breakfast this morning is interesting. It's called Pate de tete which roughly mean head pate...which is probably why it was on special. Still, nothing tomato sauce can't fix.

Weight: 95.3

Breakfast: Two inch piece of toast with pate.

Lunch: Choucroute Garnie

Dinner: Choucroute Garnie

Pate de tete

Day 12

Wow. maybe we should call this the Choucroute Garnie diet. Nearly a whole kilogram overnight. Truth be told I did a lot of exercise doing the stonework on a wall so while it is unexpected it is probably realistic.

Unfortunately I cooked too much fish curry so to celebrate I had two bowls. That was probably a mistake.

Weight: 94.6

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Two inch long sandwich.

Dinner: Fish curry

Day 13

And if Choucroute Garni was the wonder food, then fish curry was the killer....or perhaps it was the two bowls. Oh, yes portion control. Oops :) OK, back on it.

Weight: 95.1

Breakfast: Toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Two inch long sandwich.

Dinner: Choucroute Garni

Day 14

Dammit. Slipped again and finished the Choucroute Garni for lunch instead of a smaller meal.

Weight: 94.7

Breakfast: Toast with peanut butter.

Lunch: Choucroute Garni

Dinner: Pork steak and salad

Day 15

And here I am paying for it. Back up to 95.1.

Weight: 95.1

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Museli

Dinner: Salad and pork 

Day 16

Well...that worked. Looks to be a day of museli and choucroute garni for me!

Weight: 94.3

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Fish Soup

Dinner: Choucroute Garni

Day 17

Well...that worked. Looks to be a day of museli and choucroute garni for me!

Weight: 94.4

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Museli

Dinner: Choucroute Garni

No picture today.

Day 18

A mans diet. That's what this is. Grunt, grunt, grunt. Manly. Doing diet...Oh, ok...still if a man does it it is by definition manly. At this point I think I am just in it for the choucroute garni which I think I have become slightly addicted to.

OK, I may have seriously put a hole in any progress I was making. The soup for lunch got a little out of control with additives and then pizza for dinner. This isn't a diet. It's a disaster.

Well, we will wait and see what happened when I weight myself in the morning.

Weight: 93.7

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Soup

Dinner: Pizza

Day 19

It was not as bad as I feared.

Still, hopefully it goes away. Unfortunately, I have done a little bit of snacking today (one sausage and an inch long piece of chocolate) and dinner was a bit big. Healthy. One plate full. But very full.

Weight: 94.8

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Peanut butter on toast

Dinner: Pesto and pasta

No photo again.

Day 20

It was not as bad as I feared.

Weight: 93.7

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast

Lunch: Peanut butter on toast

Dinner: Pesto and barley

Day 21

It was not as bad as I feared.

Weight: 94

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast

Lunch: Peanut butter on toast

Dinner: Rice mix

No photo. Might give up on the photos for a bit. This page is getting quite heavy. In general I am repeating meals anyway and where I am not. Use your imagination.

Day 22

Well, this is going to get very boring if we keep hovering around 94kg. I was a bit snacky though. Quite a lot of Clementines were hurt in the making of this production, and an apple, some slices of ham, maybe a chocolate bar.....

Weight: 93.8

Breakfast: Muesli

Lunch: Muesli

Dinner: Chicken Salad

Day 23

Well, this is going to get very boring if we keep hovering around 94kg. 

Weight: 93.9

Breakfast: Muesli

Lunch: Museli


Day 23

Well, this is going to get very boring if we keep hovering around 94kg. 

Weight: 94.2

Breakfast: Muesli

Lunch: Toast with Paté

Dinner: Choucroute Garni

Day 24

Well, this is going to get very boring if we keep hovering around 94kg. 

Weight: 94.2

Breakfast: Muesli

Lunch: Museli

Dinner: Petite Salé (Lentiles and pork)

Day 25

Well, this is going to get very boring if we keep hovering around 94kg. :)

Weight: 93.9

Breakfast: Muesli

Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich

Dinner: Steak salad

Day 26

Excellent, some movement. Terrible nights sleep though.

Weight: 93.1

Breakfast: Muesli

Lunch: Museli

Dinner: Roast Chicken and salad

Day 27

Ahhh, Babchia has arrived. This will be the death of my diet.

Weight: 93.5

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast.

Lunch: Left over chicken on toast.

Dinner: Rice and pork wrapped in cabbage with a mushroom and cream sauce, and potatoes.

Day 28 be expected really. 

Weight: 94.5

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast.

Lunch: Ham sandwich

Dinner: Rice and pork wrapped in cabbage with a tomato sauce.

Day 29

Isn't this all going to crap in a good way

Weight: 94.0

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast.

Lunch: ?

Dinner: Four course dinner with soup, roast, cheese and a pear tart.

Day 30

Not all that hungover surprisingly.

Weight: ? To scared to look or just forgot..the latter actually.

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast.

Lunch: Leftover soup

Dinner: Seafood pasta

Day 31

OK, I think we need to get back on the straight and narrow.

Weight: 95.4

Breakfast: Museli

Lunch: Choucroute Garni

Dinner: Beans, brocolli and leftover pork.

Day 32

OK, I think we need to get back on the straight and narrow.

Weight: 95.1

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast

Lunch: Toast with pork

Dinner: Pizza

Day 33

I am not sure what day it would have been. There have been a lot of visitors and not much portion control as shown by the weight gain. Still, it was fun. Let's call this 33 and continue.

Weight: 96

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast

Lunch: Petit salé

Dinner: Vegetables and stew