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A week in Appenzell, Switzerland – Day 2

On the second day there was rain coming in the afternoon so we didn't get to do too much walking. In the morning we went down to visit the village which is very nice. Supposedly, because of Covid, there weren't as many people around as usual but there still seemed to be quite a few to me. There aren't many people with Covid in the Appenzell Canton so things were more relaxed than in Paris or the south of Switzerland where there are more infections. Still, I wore a mask when in a store or museum.

One of the highlights of the town is the church. It is magnificent and behind it are some rather unusual gravestones. The people there wanted to be remembered for their favourite things so on one gravestone is the head of a deer and another has a truck carved into it. One even had the persons house and favourite cow.

There was also this tourist trap. Do not eat at this table.

Also, take note of how low the water is in the river. This is before the rain.

We did manage to get a couple of walks in though. One was up to a waterfall that was quite nice and another was up to the remains of Castle Clanx. It is quite a way up on top of a hill but in true Appenzell style there were a couple of barbecues and a supply of wood that some poor person must have carried up there.

And then the rain started.