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Tane Harre
Tane Harre

This work is generally licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License although some of the images may have other licenses or are used under fair use. If in doubt, ask in the comments sections. The majority of images not provided were sourced as public domain images.

This site also uses icons from the Breeze Icon pack made available under the GPL v3. You can find a copy of the license here.

That being said, if you find something here that helps you then you are welcome to use and share it. And if it doesn't, please say so. What you do with the information gleaned from the site is up to you and is your responsibility. Any problems caused directly or indirectly are also your responsibility. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License although some of the images and text may have other licenses or are used under fair use. I have endeavored to use citations for the original work where this isn't true. If in doubt, ask in the comments sections.

It should also be noted that the work contains my opinion, interpretation and extrapolation of events in some cases. As such, it is protected under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, section 14. Of course, sometimes I get things wrong. If you believe I have then please leave a comment with the rebuttal or correction.

Tane Harre

Tane Harre

I am a New Zealander, living in France, who is interested in guitar, hiking, opensource, privacy, science and the general malaise of society.