Dr Siouxsie Wiles and hypocrisy
It was with little amusement I read the other day that Dr Siouxsie Wiles was in court against the University of Auckland for their failure to protect and support her when she was harassed due to her statements about COVID19.
Wiles had her home address and contact details leaked online and was compared to Adolf Hitler, a Satanist, excrement, an evil narcissist, a cockroach and a psychopath, due to her Covid-19 commentary.
She had also been threatened with hanging, rape, long jail terms, sexual violation and death by execution, her lawyer, Catherine Stewart, told Judge Joanna Holden in the Employment Court on Monday.
She was then victim blamed by the University to the extent that she stated "dealing with the university had been worse" than the external abuse she had suffered.
This is obviously the ways things aren't meant to be. University's are supposed to be the critic and conscience of society and should be protecting their staff when they speak out. Not trying to muzzle or minimize them.
However, this has the faintest note of hypocrisy to it as well.
In July 2021 Kendall Clements, Garth Cooper, Michael Corabllis, Douglas Elliffe, Robert Nola, Elizabeth Rata and John Werry published a letter in the Listener that would lead to them becoming known as the Listener 7. They were accused of racism by activists and that their views were perpetuating racism by Dr Siouxsie Wiles and that they were "intimidating junior colleagues with lawyer's letters". A statement that was challenged as false and was later forced to be withdrawn.
Presumably the Dr was also part of the Royal Society of New Zealand's investigation into those of the 7 who were members of that body. An investigation which appeared to have a preconceived outcome, that of removing the fellows, as the society had already posted a statement rejecting their views. And I say presumably because she was a fellow of the society at the time and her often partner in activism and co-author of a campaign against the 7 was on the Academy Executive Committee of the Royal Society at the time.
To make matters even more hypocritical, apparently one of Dr Wiles and Dr Hendy's arguments with the University is that,
As academics, it is part of their job requirements to share their expertise with the public, and in turn it is the university's job to make sure they are safe in doing so, they have argued. New Zealand law encourages academic freedom in which they act as the "critic and conscience of society" and "promote community learning", they said.
This unfortunately doesn't seem to be a view that they have extended to their colleagues.
It also appears that Tina Ngata has taken the stand for her college. She was the publisher of the original attack piece on the Listener 7 calling them, among other things,
- Privileged
- Racist
- White Supremacist
- Colonialists
- Gaslighters
- "...true testament to how racism is harboured and fostered within New Zealand academia..."
- Part of a global system of racism.
- Holders and promoters of harmful and discriminatory views toward minorities.
I mean really, I still want Dr Wiles to win so that the University of Auckland will be forced to defend it's staff but the amount of two faced hypocrisy dripping from these people is just insane. Somehow they think it is OK to set the country onto staff they disagree with and they shouldn't be defended but when they are attacked for their views then they should be defended.
None of this excuses any of the threats or harassment suffered by Dr Wiles or for that matter, Dr Hendy. They should be safe to speak out. They should have been defended from harassment. I do, however, wish that they would extend the same rights to others. And maybe a little self reflection would be nice.
Today I read that the University has been ordered to pay Dr Wiles $20,000. She, and her supporters, still don't seem to have any idea of the hypocrisy of their actions.
Image source: By Nicgaston - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0