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Guest post by Fred Look: Internet Party Secretary from April 2015 to June 2017

After reading Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018 and Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 28/02/2019 Fred Look asked to guest post in his own voice to refute some of the specific allegations made in those posts. I have edited the formatting somewhat for easier reading but these words are his own. As per usual if anyone would like to reply, refute or clarify this post they are more than welcome to.

In this post I will set out some of the occasions where Suzie Dawson has been untruthful. Why is this important, because Suzie is trading on her reputation as a “truth teller”. Given an apparent ongoing pattern of untruth from Suzie I feel that this trading is suspect.

You will appreciate that in limiting this post to only those occasions where I hold solid documentation I will only cover a snapshot of Suzies activities however given Suzies propensity for “lawfare” It is best if I leave it to any readers to make any obvious extrapolation.

So here is a snapshot of untruths

Email from Fred to Suzie accompanying a deposit of $4000 to her

“Hi suzie DONE! $4000 is transferred to your account a few minutes ago this is not Internet party money or payment for invoices but a personal loan from my sister can you please return it when you are able to Fred Look BNZ 00-0000-0000000-000 “

Fred Look 19 April 2017

Some time later DM from Suzie

“I don’t expect there’ll be much of the advance that you gave me on my pay which I haven’t been paid left by the time you are held accountable for the gross defamation you have been subjecting me to Fred.”

Suzie Dawson 7th June 2018

Suzie posted in “Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018”

“as far as what I did, I can tell you the entire new join/sign-up process pages that exist on the new website were designed by me”

Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018

The code, text, and subscription process as built by me were directly taken from the existing website, someone (not Suzie, she does not have the skill set) pasted it into the new website template and in the process broke it! I re-established the database connections after the new website went live (shortly before my access was terminated!).

Suzie referring to the membership database posted in “Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018”

“yes, we did. that’s why we have a new one. and we found a list of problems with the old one a mile long including the fact that it didn’t even have the function to record the information that the EC required – current financial membership”

Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018

It is a simple untruth re recording the current fin membership possibly they have a new database but I don’t believe it!

“and it was only at EC compliance in april that we discovered the database didn’t even record the information that was required under the electoral act”

Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018

She repeats the untruth. and they knew long before April that they did not have the expertise to query the database, the required data was always there as long as data entry was continued.

“which means our membership database never complied with the legislation which means, it was illegal all along”

Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 14/06/2018

Again she repeats the untruth

Suzie speaking to masonbee “Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 28/02/2019”

“the person who wrote to the commission demanding we get delisted is the same person who held the keys to, and managed, the database which didn’t even list whether or not people were paid members”

Conversations with the Internet Party Executive starting 28/02/2019

Huh really? But the process of delisting the party began when many months after the numbers fell below 500, the then Secretary declined to assert 500 members in the April 30 2018 annual return

As I said before this is only a snapshot being some of those matters on which I hold unassailable evidence. It is by no means the total of what appears to me as a pattern of self serving untruths and it was this that forced my resignation as Secretary. I at no time resigned from maintaining the membership database. I was removed from that position with the result that the party without the necessary expertise appears to have gone into election 2017 without the required membership and without notifying the Electoral Commission as required under the Electoral act.