Kauaeranga to Coromandel
At the head of the Kauaeranga Valley is the Pinnacles Track. Or actually it might be the Webb Creek Track but it takes you up to Pinnacles Hut and then you can branch off up to the Pinnacles if you haven't had enough by that point.
It is a very well made track, almost paved in some parts, but about halfway up I was imagining that at some point DOC had decided they would only hire big legged people. Really, some of the steps are about six hundred millimeters high. I later accosted a DOC worker about it and he laughed and said the track had been put in for horses which is why the steps were laid that way.
I mentioned to someone on the way up that I had been told on steep sections the way to go was to stay under the sweat line and he looked at me with sweat pouring down my face, laughed and said I must mean the tree line.
All that being said, it was a great walk with marvelous views. Especially from the top of the Pinnacles. Well worth it, although I would advise anyone else to stay a night at the hut to break up the walking. My fitness is improving though.
My hitching is also improving and I got a lift to Thames having walked all of twenty meters at the end of the track. It was New Years eve so I wanted to be somewhere I could recharge my phone and have a shower. Alas it was not to be. Thames was completely booked out leaving my only decent option to get a ride back to Coromandel which actually worked out very well.