Last Updated: TMCBeans

This is going to be a very specific post and will probably be outdated within a year but it might give you a few ideas if you have the same situation with the tmc plugin.

Just to give a bit of background, there are a series of massive online learning courses run by the University of Helsinki MOOC Center. Very good courses, and very well done. The one in particular I am interested in at the moment is their Java programming course (which I had done many years ago but thought I would revisit it) but the course instructions now only give a choice between Windows or using a snap on Linux and I am not that keen on snap and I don't like Windows.

So, if you find yourself in the same boat you can download the version of Netbeans the TMC plugin uses at Apache. 11.2 to be exact and then after installing it (I used the .sh installer) if you go to Plugins under the Tools menu you can add TMC as an update provider under the Settings tab with, 

as the URL*.

After that you should be able to search for TMC in the available plugins tab and install it and your process from then on will be as per the University's instructions.

As I said, this is a post for a very specific group of people, maybe just for myself. :)

* I got the URL from here but you could just install a copy on Windows and copy any change if that happens.