New Zealand images to use as wallpapers
I read about KDE's wallpaper competition and got quite excited, not that I think any of mine would win but what did I have? How about a collection of images from a New Zealand KDE user? So here they are, in geographical order.
Possible Wallpapers
The first two images weren't taken by me but instead by Tim Gordon. A friend who came over to Great Barrier Island and basically disappeared with a camera. He did send a CD of images at the end of it all though and the first two are pictures he took.
Medlands Beach
Double Hut
Mount Sunday
Two Thumb Track
Roses Pass
Mitre Peak
The problem is they are all very nice but are they wallpaper quality. Plus, what is the licence on the first two? I haven't seen Tim for years so I can't exactly as him. All the others I took myself so they are fine being copyleft but are they too complex?
I have to say my personal favourite is the view from Double Hut with the rainbow in the background. I use that as my wallpaper on KDE neon, this website, my phone, etc...Maybe I should try that.