Paris to Le Puy-en-Velay
After returning to Paris Angelynn, Bert ( Angelynns nephew) and I got up early the next morning to catch a bus to Gare du Lyon and then south to Le Puy-en-Velay.
Unfortunately, I had caught Bert's flu so the train ride mostly consisted of trying not to cough to loudly but there were some decent views and the TGV is wonderful, fast and not to expensive. Angelynn had booked us into a hostel at Le Puy-en-Velay near the church at the top of the main hill and we spent the remainder of the afternoon wandering the streets, drinking cold drinks and getting ready for the start of the walk.
We did stay up to watch the light show though, or at least part of it. The town has lava columns with churches atop them that they show lightshows on. Dad had tried to explain this to me at some point and I hadn't really understood how good the lightshows were. We only saw one but it was pretty amazing. Unfortunately the video I took doesn't do it justice so I will leave you with a photo of the lava column and church as the sun was setting instead.