Pradelles to Luc
From Pradelles we walked a couple of km's to what was supposed to be our destination the previous day in Langogne. More coffee and some food shopping in the market and then onwards to meet up with Angelynns tennis buddies who have a house in la Chasette. What was supposed to be a brief visit (we are going back later to stay the night) seemed to last for ages but it turned out to have only been an hour.
Another change to the plan though. Because we have fallen behind a little it has been decided to change onto the GR700 and walk to Luc before going to La Bastide the next day to be picked up and go back to Katriane and Remmes place for the night. I am getting increasingly grumpy about everything it seems. Plan changes, lack of input, being held back, going to fast, flu, etc....basically in the state of mind where everything is at fault.
GR700 turned out to be quite nice. Not really anyone else on it and much of it is in the forest and shaded. At the end of it we dropped down into Luc. Unfortunately my phone was flat so there aren't any photos of the old chateau on the way down. Angelynn and I searched for water but weren't able to find any which was unfortunate as then we could have stayed there instead of descending to the campground by the river.
Oh, I forgot to say. It turns out that I don't seem to have immunity to poison ivy and there must have been a touch of it in my left sock heel from the US so I have had a delayed reaction with weird sores on my ankle tendon. It also turns out I am not immune to stinging nettle and it creates welts like mosquito bites wherever it touches me. Curiously, I don't have any itching associated with either of these things so that is a bonus. To continue my list of woes I appear to have also compressed a nerve in my hip which makes my thigh go numb, very annoying.